
Kiddleydivey have been providing music and movement programmes since 1996. We specialise in providing programmes for older adults, those with dementia, and other vulnerable groups. We have a fantastic reputation which has been built through providing excellent music and socialisation sessions to groups and individuals; to support their continued mobility; their communication, speech and language, their social interaction; their connection with memory; and their quality of life.
The use of music as a therapeutic tool is well documented. When music and songs specially chosen for their inherent therapeutic qualities, are combined with props to facilitate and encourage movement, social interaction and memory function, the results are frequently, incredible! Residents who don’t usually communicate, can suddenly start to sing and interact with others. People who are usually withdrawn and quiet, start to become animated, and others, who are not normally very mobile, often decide to dance! The results are instantaneous and can be long lasting. Activity sessions such as these are so important to the lives of older people. As well as the many benefits they offer, they give our clients something to look forward to and for the client’s relatives, a worthwhile activity they can share.
What we provide
- fun, engaging and stimulating music programmes
- structured programmes which increase brain activity and incorporate brain exercises that may help to delay some symptoms of dementia and help keep the mind active
- activities which increase socialisation for participants
- effective exercises to improve mobility
- opportunities for participants to ‘ground’, stabilise and achieve emotional comfort through activation of memories
What’s involved
Kiddleydivey Care Home programmes involve a different theme each visit, to ensure variety and interest. The music and associated activities are specifically chosen to
- be upbeat, fun, entertaining and engaging
- encourage residents to interact
- support and improve mobility
- encourage reminiscence
- encourage socialisation between residents and also their carers
What does a Kiddleydivey care home music programme look like
Well, the first thing you will notice watching Kiddleydivey, is that everyone is having loads of fun! What better way is there to get everyone involved, relaxed and feeling safe, than by involving humour and laughter!
Kiddleydivey programme leaders are very experienced in all aspects of dementia and additional needs, allowing them to involve everyone in their sessions as much as possible while understand their limitations.
The sessions are designed to increase brain activity and incorporates brain exercises that may help to delay some symptoms of dementia and keep the mind working better for longer. Every song and activity has been researched and trialled over long periods of time with many different groups to improve results and enjoyment.
- Acapella singing and clapping – using constantly changing rhythmic patterns and, drum circles that challenge the brain and keep everyone engaged and motivated for longer.
- Physical activities – (we incorporate chair based exercises in most of our sessions at whatever level is appropriate) which lead to improved mobility and strength, better sleep, preserved cognitive functioning, decreased depression and stronger feelings of self-efficacy and personal control.
- Themes – to help spark interest, stimulation and conversations.
- Visual stimulation and props that help people to engage with the group process and encourage movement and participation. We use, hats, pompoms, bubbles, hoops, feathers, bass drums, stress balls and parachutes, to name a few!
- Memory teaser questions – (if appropriate) to activate mind and memory using props and photographs to help with the answers! If questions are too challenging, the Kiddleydivey leader will adapt and use statements instead with the photographs to stimulate.
- Different styles and genres of music – Obviously, we can’t please everyone all of the time, but the library of music and songs we use is huge and grows every day. Songs from the 1920’s up to present day hits for our younger clients, as well as big band numbers, jazz and classical music.
- Adaptation – The songs and music Kiddleydivey use have been specially adapted and cut so that certain verses that are not well known are left out, long introductions are shortened, popular choruses are repeated, and the key and tempo of the songs are sometimes changed to reflect the singing abilities of the clients.
- Professional instruments – The instruments that we encourage everyone to use are professional percussion instruments. We have different sizes and weights of instruments to suit ranges of abilities and strengths as well as instruments that can be Velcroed on, when holding an instrument isn’t possible.
- Touch – A very basic need that is sometimes overlooked. Kiddleydivey leaders will hold or perhaps stroke people’s hands where appropriate to encourage engagement and participation and welcome people to the group.
“Sharing music, spanning generations”

Connecting generations through music

Sharing music, spanning generations

Early years education through music

Accessing new pathways through music